Bremen Supercomputing Competence Center

The Bremen Supercomputing Competence Center BremHLR provides support to scientists in scientific computing on the computer systems of the North-German Supercomputing Alliance (HLRN) which are the two national computing centers NHR@ZIB and NHR-NORD@Göttingen of the NHR alliance. Founded on July 1st, 2003 as a cooperation between the University of Bremen, the former International University Bremen (today's Constructor University) and the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research, BremHLR encourages projects of scientific computing especially in the federal state of Bremen. Support is provided in conception, application as well as in performance.

As a member of the HLRN competence network BremHLR takes part in consulting users, maintenance of software-packages and arranges regional workshops for users.

The BremHLR office at the University of Bremen, Center of Industrial Mathematics is financed by the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Science (Senatorin für Umwelt, Klima und Wissenschaft), Bremen.

© BremHLR 2024